This write-up is contributed by Mr. Sugato Roy.

You are having an incessant urge to search for new games and in your free time experience an inner push to play online games.  You are over-searching for numerous apps, some of which you may not use ever. You are taking selfies and posting on social media platforms. You do not find time to talk to your acquaintances and associates. Instead, you are on social media, texting. You are hungry but you feel you do not have time to eat even. And sometimes you possess a burning desire to peek into the forbidden illicit domain !!

You are hooked on the net and this is what psychologists,  mentors, teachers, and professors call the digital age problem, internet addiction. This compulsion, habit or craving which many people also term digital addiction has infected millions in our country and globally. Something in your brain sends signals to have a look at your smartphone, over and over. Every other second you check your social media accounts for no reason or on flimsy grounds. These are the basic symptoms of internet and digital addiction. Mental health professionals apprehend that internet addiction affects professional and work performance, personal life and relations with relatives and friends. The most important drawback is what they feel, digital addiction affects your mental health to a tormenting extent.  

Let us have a quick look at the more universal symptoms of internet and digital addiction

  • Most often people hide and do not share facts about internet usage. People lie about the amount of time they spend on the internet.
  • Working very late in the night and being online
  • Involvement in minimal outdoor activities
  • Degradation of concentration capabilities and memory impairment.
  • Development of digestive problems coupled with weight loss or weight gain.
  • Unexplained fatigue and growth of insomnia.
  • Inexplicable body aches and pains.
  • Bad interpersonal relationship.
  • Crest and trough in mood
  • Intensification of mental stress.
  • Unnecessary usage of apps.

Internet and digital addiction are very detrimental for students and adolescents also to a large extent. You will find some common warning signals like  —-

  • Spurn outdoor games and meeting friends face to face
  • Always engrossed on the smartphone and laptop
  • Searching for newer games always
  • Looking for obscene elements on the net in a murky manner
  • Having a constant urge of sharing selfies.
  • Constant fiddling on the smartphone or laptop without any solid reason whatsoever.

All of us have to have a constant endeavour to overcome this anomalous crisis of internet and digital addiction. We discuss below certain effective steps and processes to triumph over this indomitable impasse of internet addiction.

  • Get to the root cause —- Find out why you are browsing the net now and then. Is it necessary or out of habit? Is it that you are feeling lonely? You do not have anyone to share your thoughts with.  You will have to tide over this crucial matter of internet and digital addiction yourself.
  • Indulge yourself in outdoor activities —- Involve yourself in as many outdoor activities as you can. Not long ago lots of children used to go to the parks, youngsters were busy playing during the afternoons. These are all missed now. Outdoor activities amongst all age groups must return with a beat.
  • Prioritise the needs and keep a schedule – Schedule all your jobs and prioritise all of them according to their importance.  This will help in enhancing and improving the work status and things will be much more systematic. This is primary to get oneself out of the internet and digital addiction. You must keep in mind, that time management is one of the main principles of management and progress.
  •  Socialisation — Man is a social animal. Keep this in mind and visit friends, and relatives. Go for a movie once every fortnight. You will feel the change. Spend some quality time with real-life relationships. Change your communication pattern and indulge yourself in direct face-to-face talks. Sooner you will come out of the internet and digital addiction.
  • Limit the device usage — Now this one is the most vital. It depends on your mindset and nothing else. Limit your session and try to come out of the internet and digital addiction.

And remember — better late than never.

Mr.Sugato Roy


By Lokenath_Education

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4 thoughts on “Internet addiction..”
    1. You are correct to say that we have forgotten to socialize.Being on social media has actually made you unsocial in life.I have seen divorce take place as both the partners don’t manage time to spend real life.If we do not correct ourself now ,then it is fore sure we will be left alone.There will be no love in family.Every thing will be eye wash.Sugato liked your write-up,keep posting me.All the best.Thanks.

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